Monday, June 30, 2008
Plants and plants....
The hydrangeas we are talking about are the ones you provided for our anniversary party. They originally had blue blossoms but are now pink - a very pretty pink. Mine is not as big as Jane's but seems to be quite vigorous. The others are not in very good spots, but I will move them come fall.
We haven't had any rain to speak of and everything looks horrible, even the tomato plants. The sky darkens up every afternoon and the wind blows and we get about 3 or 4 minutes of rain drops - not even enough to get the sidewalks wet!
glad to see people doing a little blogging
Mom, now I have the jap. beetles, Mark sprayed with sevin yesterday. There was one right on top of the heliopsis that just bloomed, and I guess they are eating the petunia flowers. Looks like we got a few drops of rain over night. I moved the impatients to the shade, they were out front, I planted wave petunias in their place.
I also planted the heliopsis in the big flower pots that mark painted, and I put small white wave petunia's and a small plant that has very small lavender and yellow flowers...don;t know what they are called but they will hang down the side of the planters.
I hope we get more rain today!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Greetings People
Too nasty, smoky for me to go outside. It smells like dam smoke everywhere.
Worked in my room - stocked up stuff in my little frig, Jane. Getting excited about our vacation to the mountains. Still have the hersey bars - unopened Jane, for our s'mores!!
Found clothing in my closet that i can fit into again. I have a yellow dress - and if i can lose alittle more weight, i can wear it to Adam's wedding. So, i will give it a try to see if i can do the job.
Mom - good to hear your hydrenas are doing well--is it a plant that will come back each year?
It's been a quiet weekend otherwise. Tootles for now
Speaking of hot and humid - YUCK! Supposed to get thunderstorms today - don't I wish! Ellen and Scott are on their way to Lynchburg now with Katie's "stuff" for her appartment. She will still have her dorm room and dining privileges, so we know she won't starve or be cold (or hot) and will always have a place to go to. They will be back late this afternoon and then Scott will go back to Fredtown. Ellen says she will stay over a couple of days which will be nice.
Somthing is eating my tomato plants! It must be something tall as only the top parts are gone. I have never known the deer to bother the tomatoes so can't imagine what is going on with them. The leaves are curling up too and I can't find out about that either. It's driving me crazy - I even dreamed about it last night.
I am now reading the last of the 7 new books, The Garden of Last Days by Andre Dubus III. Just started it - hope I like it. I have enjoyed the others very much, Lottery was just a nice, nice story. In the Woods could have used come judicious editing - just went on much too long, The Commoner was pretty dry. Katie left me her copy of Malcom X which I have meant to read for years now, so I will start that next. Dad and I had a conversation about how in the world the German people could have allowed Hitler and his regime to gain so much power so I recommended Stones From the River to him, which he has just started.
Well, that's all the news from the homefront. Oh yeah- one more thing - haven't caught the little siamese kitten but we did catch a cute little bunny. Set it free.
Nancy - will get Joey's birthday card in the mail this week!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
I have been out in the yard
mom the 1st 3 you know what they are, I noticed where I planted the forget-me-nots, there is something else blooming...looks kinda like a small pansy mised with a snap dragon. My hyacinth bean is doing very well and my malva alcea is huge and getting ready to boom. There is the dames rocket and hollyhocks that have huge leaves.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
hello everybody
I had a good time at Ellen and Scotts, we did a little bit of yard work and went to the dump....I figured out why Ellen didn't want to get the mulch have to shovel it yourself into the truck. I met all the kittens that were born during Katie's graduation, one of them is really huge, his name is Charlie. Max only got loose once...cause I went to have a smoke on the back deck and forgot he can go down the stairs....He didn't get far Ellen got him.
I took William,Joey and Jamie to the airport, there was a problem and Willy would have a misconnect at jfk, and he refused to go to sfo airport, so he was delayed for a day, so joey had an extra day with his dad.
Ok I gotta play a game of litterati now. Everyone have a terrific day!
Great pictures of Jamie and Christian with the fish.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Haven't been doing much here except reading, eating, gardening. Oh yes, and helping the economy by spending our economic stimulus dollars! Last week it was a new television and this week a new air condititioner. The old one in the bedroom was on it's last legs. It probably would have saved a lot of arguments to do without - Dad is always cold and I'm always hot. He wants it off, I want it on. All night long, whoever gets up turns it either off or on. I like it so cold that I have to use the electric blanket. Dad likes it steamy and stuffy. With no ventilation, no ac, 2 of us and 2 dogs it gets miserable.
This is such an exciting post! Only thing of note today - well 2 things - didn't catch the wild kitten yet and I saw a red fox this morning! Hope red fox doesn't like to eat cats! We have a different trap out now for the kitty but something must be wrong with it. Kitty is able to eat the food without springing the trap. Dad has secured the fence all the way around so the fox can't get in the yard but I'm still not letting Fritz out alone. Roy saw the fox in his yard several days ago.
Okay - off to my book - I got 7(!) new books on my last order and am halfway thru. So far I have loved them all and I'm saving the biggest for last - the latest from Andre Dubus III of House of Sand and Fog fame. I still have one more gift certificate that I'm saving for Wally Lamb's latest due out in November. I have read Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout, In the Flesh by Ruth Rendell, The Reserve by Russell Banks, and am in the midst of Lottery by Patricia Woods. All winners. Dad is reading The Appeal by John Grisham.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Hey Everyone!
Jamie spent the night last night and James took him and Christian fishing in the morning. They caught some striper, white perch and spot. I have posted some pics. Hope everyone is doing well. James and I are going to Pittsburgh next weekend. We are also planning a trip to Grandma and Grandpa's house with mom and that should be a lot of fun. Anywho I am going to go and see if anyone wants lunch. Talk to you soon.
Love Marianne.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Some pics of Mom and Dad's place
I had a great but short visit to farmville with Nancy and Jamie. Food was too good. and mom I think our potato salads tie.
hmm 5 snacks, hersey's chocolate with almonds, fresh baked goods -like cake or cookies, ice cream and chips.
I don't remember 10 years ago ...hehe
The pictures came out kinda nice for a change.
Ten years ago I was right here gardening, reading, playing with dogs, and working 2 days a week as artist-in-residence at craft store.
Five things I plan to do today besides work: read, eat, watch a little t.v., gardening (I don't consider that work), and play literati!
Five snacks I love: candy!, wheat thins with cream cheese, oranges, pringles potato chips, cookies.
With a billion dollars I would buy a Barnes & Noble! Seriously, I would buy a tract of land, erect enough houses for my whole family and furnish them. Buy a new car or two, pay off all my debts, put Katie and any other family member thru college, get dad a hair transplant (NOT)! and give lots to Habitat for Humanity.
I have lived in Cranford, New Jersey; Monterey, Caliifornia (3 times), Alexandria, Virginia; Rota, Spain; Carmel, California; Virginia Beach, Virginia; Salinas, California; Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; and Farmville, Virginia.
Through the years I have worked as a vegetable/farm stand employee, lots of babysitting, nurses' helper at a convalescent hospital for children recovering from polio, secretary at Western Electric, office manager at a YMCA, admin. assist. at 2 different firms and a college, and artist/salesclerk at craft store.
How about some more interesting questons like how often do you bathe?, how frequent is your sex life, oh, never mind, I really don't want to know. However, I bathe almost every day. And did you ever hear the words non-existent?
Going back to humming now,
Friday, June 13, 2008
I'm famous!!!!!
Here is the link to my CNN interview -- they only showed one little blurb.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
What was I doing ten years ago?
What are five (non-work) things on my to-do list for today:
5 Snacks I enjoy:
Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
Places I have lived:
Jobs I have had:
What was I doing ten years ago?
June, 1998. I was just beginning a correspondence with two men. One I only emailed and never actually met. One is my current husband! I had been in a deep depression after a bad break up and was sort of just wheeling through life with little care. I was teaching 4th grade in a brand new school.
What are five (non-work) things on my to-do list for today:
1. take a bath
2. relax
watch television for a bit
4. since it said non-work I have no other things on the to-do list
5 Snacks I enjoy:
Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
Wow. Billionarire is really rich.Pay tuition for Kaiti, pay off debts.
Pay families debts
build dream houses in a compound for my family
see the world – first class, I mean pyramids, Machu Pichu, Greece, Rome, China, Australia, everything I can!!!
give a ton to charity
Places I have lived:Spain
California (Carmel, Monterey, Salinas, Pacific Grove)Connecticut (Torrington, Winsted, Riverton)
Virginia (Virginia Beach, Farmville, Stafford)
Jobs I have had:Snow Cone maker
retail (macy's, a jewelry store, another, and a grocery store)
nurses' aide
collections clerk
art gallery attendant
I've probably forgotten something
cookies, crackers, fruit, cheese, hors d'ouvres
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Joey is on the count down of William coming...every day it's " guess what mom? my dad will be here in x days"...whatever--it makes him happy.
As for Jamie - he is very excited to be graduating from 5th grade. He asked me to buy (and i did) a black (nice) shirt, black (nice) slacks, shoe cleaner, new boxers and a black hat. He wants a black blazer to go with it. Said he plans to wear it for his graduation ceremony. He's also asked to get his hair cut. He talked about wearing a suit too...I just said you will cook in it and i bet he'll only wear the stuff once. He said no, he'll wear it one more time... He also said he's very thrilled to get to do this--when he has his ceremony - all the other grades stand outside their classes while the fifth grade students do a walk around the school. Makes me cry to think my baby is now going into middle school. I just hope he will always stay loving...he has no problems holding my hand or letting drape my arm accross his shoulders when we walk sometimes...i hope that won't change. WHAT am i gonna do when the boys move on with their lives??? MIKE, or SHREK where are you.....btw Catherine --your dog is a cutie pie - is he a chocolate lab or is he a black lab? Jamie will be so jealous when he sees your dog..this is what he wanted to begin with..but too big for our little place.
I came back in after that to catch the news on my new t.v. Well waddya know - nada, zero, zip, zilch! After much sweating and almost crying with frustration, I found out that your father had disconnected all the cables to adjust their length! Aha - he put them back incorrectly so after a minor adjustment the t.v. is back in business. What a relief. Was thinking I would have to contact Panasonic again.
Jane - about grass seed: just make sure you keep the newly seeded area moist. You might have to sprinkle (gently) twice a day. You should see new growth in about a week. I have had pesky turtles creeping about my garden - they love hostas! First I put them out by the apple trees and when I checked they were meandering back towards the garden. I took them down towards the creek and if they come back again I think I will make turtle soup. (No, not really, I don't think we would eat it.) Rather, I will put them in front of the truck and take a little drive. Please, don't tell me what you think of that!
Have a great Saturday everyone!
Will watch Hillary's speech today in full living color in air-conditioned splendor on my king-sized bed. As much as I like and respect her, I thought my heart would burst with pride when Obama finally won the nomination!
I think Jane's idea of wedding cake and punch is a very good one. Do you remember that strawberry cake Nancy got for Jaida's birthday from Sugar Plum bakery? It was the best cake I think I've ever had. Probably very expensive. And about the flowers . . . today I will dig up the heliopsis and pot them. I have been watering and fertilizing the past few days and we'll see how big they get. In the mean time Jane, keep your eyes open at Wal-Mart. Our local Wal-Mart gets in some really pretty stuff during the summer - last year they had some absolutely gorgeous delphiniums in full bloom. I was sorely tempted, but in the past the delphiniums I've had did so poorly I resisted. They just don't like our heat and humidity. I remember buying my heliopsis at Wal-Mart during the summer - tall and in full bloom. My oak-leaf hydrangeas are blooming now - best I've ever seen them. Their blooms last months and are very fragrant. If they are still okay, I will bring a huge bouquet for the festivities.
Oh yes - can Fritzy come if he wears a tuxedo??? LOL.
Friday, June 6, 2008
I got the grass seed down
I got a job at walmart on Battlefield blvd. working on the store remodel, they are changing it around like the one on lynnhaven, it will be from june 16th until sept 1st. I will be working 8am to 5 pm monday thru will be a little money to help get our bills caught up.
Mom I am thinking of having just the cake and punch...then later we will have a BBQ and hopefully some of the people will have left. Jackie had said around 3 or 4 pm...I think around 2pm would be better..I will call her later. Adam called last night he is doing well and is excited about getting married. Jackie still has not told her father....she is afraid of how he will act...she wants Adam to ask him. Adam is nervous about it.
Hey Ellen, Mark is selling his truck..$2800 if Scott is still interested, we need to buy a small econo box with the money from the truck. I am still waiting to have enough spare money to bring up the wicker to you too. Maybe you could come visit with us before I start my jjob at walmart.
Ok well I gotta get dressed and go take my drug test!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Had a nice surpise yesterdy while working with my oakleaf hydrangeas - 2 volunteers hidden way underneath. If I can get them out safely I will save them for Jane and Ellen. Am also going to root some catmint for them - it's so pretty this year. I counted 32 redbud tree seedlings, too, so will pot up a lot of those.
Not doing anything much today, just goofing around. I am trying to sink my teeth into The Magnificent Ambersons, a Booth Tarkington novel, but am having a slow time of it. Watching t.v. too, for news of Hillary. I hope she makes a graceful exit and campaigns hard for Obama. I hope laws are passed to limit campaing funding and timing. A year and a half are wayyyyyyy too long. And the amount of money spent is obscene.
Jane, don't worry too much about your grass - just water it and you will surely get crabgrass and that's green! Also, how about just having a nice wedding cake and punch? Do it early afternoon to avoid lunch and dinner times. That would be much easier, and the money not spent on food can be spent on cake. Anyhow, just let me know what I can do, cook, make, etc.
I gotta make potatoe salad too !
and I will never have to tell him to pull up his pants again
I am working on the yard for the wedding........backyard grass looks so shitty....I am gonna see how much a small amount of grass seed will cost.
I am making this one short cause I gotta go to walmart. I am excited that I figured out how to put a picture on the blog!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Adam looks so grown up and I am proud he did well in boot camp! Jackie looks very pretty. I just hope they don't send him to Iraq. Or Afghanistan.
We went to Farmville this past weekend for some much-needed R&R. I didn't do anything but lay around, and the bags under my eyes are gone (or my eyesight is finally fading very rapidly) so it was worth it. Always good to go back to the farm. We saw Sex and the City, and I'd give it a 4 on a 5 star scale. A good flick. We ate way too much, but I've been craving mom's potato salad and I think I ate 4 pounds of it. (Ask me about my explosive diarrhea! ---its an actual phrase from a T-shirt....). We ate other sinful things like potato chips and cheeseburgers and the dreaded fried chicken. Yum yum! We also watched lots of bad TV, like political pundits and bridezillas. Fun times.
We got home in the darkness, to darkness.....the power was out due to a bad storm that hit yesterday. We had no damage, but other people sure did. I hope this doesn't mean more bad storms this year, but we're making a survival kit just in case.
Well, 8.5 days of school left and then I'll be making my beach plans. See ya'll soon!
oh, and all that...

he loves to play with my brother's dog jake. i was kind of worried at first because he is so much bigger but jake is so gentle with him.

he has already gotten bigger. we weighed him at petsmart one day and he was 18 pounds, two days later he was almost 21 pounds..he's gonna grow up so fast! eric is really excited to take him up to farmville. i think he will love it up there. we took him to the beach yesterday and he loved that. there was another dog there and he played with him for a few hours straight and then he passed out under the umbrella. he's not too sure about the water yet but gets his feet in there to check it out every once in a while. eric is waiting for him to get bigger so he can wrestle around with him.
well not too much is going on over here with us. i hope everyone is doing well.
E and S were here for the weekend - got the AC up and running - oh, yeah - wonderfully cool now. E and I went to see Sex in the City - pretty good - and Dad and S saw the latest Indiana Jones. Don't know how it was - S must have liked it because it was the second time he has seen it. Dad had no comment - probably meant he slept through it - lol.
I think it will be too hot to garden today - I need to do the first of the month bookkeeping anyway - yuck. S backed up a lot of our computer stuff - was getting worried about that. I bought a tiny little gizmo that plugs into computer and copies all kinds of stuff. Amazing. If that little thing can hold all that, why do I need this big console? Don't tell me, I won't understand.
I expect the latest Barnes and Noble order this week - the latest Ruth Rendell (an Inspector Wexford), plus 2 others I can't remember the names of - this old age memory is a pain in the you know what! I am waiting for the reviews before I order Andre Dubus III's (House of Sand and Fog) latest. Hate to order what I think the local library will get, too. And - big news - Wally Lamb has a new one coming out this fall. Right now I have just finished Donna Leon's Death in La Fenice, the first in a series of mysteries set in Italy - very good, will read more of them. Am starting The Magnificent Amberson's today - saw the movie many moons ago and don't remember much except Orson Welles.
Fritz is so funny with Max - growls and acts real tough which Max totally ignores. Of course, when Fritz is doing all this, he is safely away from Max and can't be reached. My little tough guy. He adores E, and tends to ignore me when she is here. I poured leftover KFC gravy on the dog food last night and Fritzy growled the whole time he was eating it to keep Sandi away - guess he liked it.
New guilty pleasure - BRIDEZILLA - thank you E.
Stay cool everyone - Catherine - how about a picture of Bowser????!!