Saturday, October 20, 2007

It's noon time Saturday and I'm waiting for Ellen and Scott to arrive. Ellen has been in Richmond since Wednesday at a conference. Dad is off to Buckingham to help with the train so I am here all alone. I just baked Dad his birthday cake and next I'll make beef stroganoff for dinner for us (Ellen's request) and chili for Scott - he won't eat the stroganoff. Will also whip up a batch of brownies.

Jane called yesterday from Missouri! She said they were headed for Kansas City, Kansas and I urged her to stop at Independence and pay her respects to HST at his library. I would love to go there - he's my hero! She hasn't posted here much because she has a hard time with the AOL signal.

It's beautiful here today. We had some rain yesterday - not even enough to measure in the rain gauge! I can't bear to look at my garden - all wilting and dying.

Time to close this down and get back to my kitchen duties.


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