Lay off the midnight tokin....(mom, that is a song lyric reference also referring to your last post). is my post about the birthday weekend in VA Beach.
Don't let any of these pretty pictures fool you....these girls can kick your ass:

The first one (pictured above) was celebrating her birthday...49!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey she looks pretty good for a grandma! Or, even not for a grandma....pretty good!!! Damn good.
And her spawn (one of the few) will also kick your ass with little effort:

And then there were three:

Don't let those smiles fool you.
A brunette, a blonde, and a redhead. The trifecta of bitch. (Are you getting my humor?--all in fun, all in fun..)
And those in training:

pssssttt: I think they'll make it!

That was some seriously good chocolate..... if you're brave, you can find the original trucker sportin' the bumper sticker to end all bumper stickers....thankfully not on his "bumper" which I saw way too much of this weekend.
Good times!
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