Monday, October 27, 2008

Heelllooooo out there!

I am hearing an echo!!!! Hope everyone had a great weekend! Mine was pretty quick.
luv to all

Thursday, October 23, 2008

boy the previous blogg went out before I could type anything! All is well here....still working...I sold my 1st cruise last the bahamas, a young man from india wanted to take his wife for a little vacation, they are in their 20's. Bobby is still trying to get a job...he thinks he may have one with a fence company.

Big Happy Birthday to DAD ...big 74! Mark and I hope to come visit real soon.
luv to all

hey everyone!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Reminder everyone: we have a birthday boy tomorrow!

We went to see W. last Saturday - excellent. Josh Brolin was really excellent in the part - totally obnoxious. But in my opinion Richard Dreyfus as Cheney "stole" the show. I wasn't even aware it was Richard Dreyfus at first. James (I think) Cromwell played Bush 41 and was pretty darn good too. I have loved him ever since "Babe."

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Hi everyone,

McCain was losing his shit last night..the weirdo eyes, the yellow teeth exposed while laughing maniacally were all that was needed to finally seal his fate.

BUT, We must never become complacent. We must behave as if we are the underdog and fight to the end.

Trust me folks, as a historian, this election is chock full of potentially USA endiing rhetoriic.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

VA is Blue!!!

Obama 51% Walnuts 45%...I knew it! I think Obama won the debate 99.9% to .01.
I hope everyone is well.
luv ya all

Monday, October 13, 2008

hello out there!

Yes I worry too, about walnuts and his bitch evoked hate and fears. They twist the truth, and they are evil liers.

Hippy- Zsuzsi is home- her flight on the way home was better then the going...I think.
I am entering into my 2nd week at work, alot of this stuff is quite intense- not what I expected. Today I find out my test results from seamed pretty easy-but I have problems reading all the directions or the whole question.
Christain and Marianne came by saturday ...christian has really gotten alot taller.
Bobby has an interview at the shipyard(i hope he gets the job).
I spent most of the day yesterday doing home work! yuck

Everyone have a great monday!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

I don't know about everyone else, but I am getting very, very uneasy about all the hate spewing forth from McPain/Palin rallies. It is stiriring up the crazies and creating danger for Obama/Biden. McPain's ads are now 100% negative, Mrs. McPain is making statements that are simply misleading (lies) - "chills up and down her spine when Obama voted against funding the troops" - Hey lady, didn't your old man do likewise????? And then we have the vicious bitch inciting her audiences to shout out horrible things - doesn't she feel the need to say something like - hey you guys, that's out of line? Keep Obama and Biden in your prayers.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


As I write this, Zsuzsi is airborne on her way back from Budapest!!! Not only is she a dear, sweet young lady (and very intelligent, besides), she is the best thing that ever happened to Michael and I feel blessed that she is part of our family. Here's to a happy reunion and a lifetime of joy together!

Smooches all around.

Big Mama

Thursday, October 2, 2008

hi everyone reading

Sorry I haven't blogged lately...too depressed over family situations...Bobby ...and Michael..
I went yesterday to my new job..had paperwork to complete, then I start monday oct 6th. The training hours are from 12 noon until 9 pm for 4 weeks then I will most likely be working from 4pm until 1 am ...I am not crazy about the hours ...but at least I got a job offer letter says contigient upon back ground I hope it's just a crimminal background check, or I am screwed. Oct 11th I have been invited to attend a ship inspection for travel agents...the Carnaval Victory,we tour the ship, and they feed us lunch and provide entertainment.
I just got off the phone with Bobby...he wants me to come to his dads and take him out to apply for jobs...he has already applied at all the places within walking distance. I had to tell him I have just enough gas and money to get me through my 1st week at my new job and I don't have a cent to spare. I hope one of the places he has applied at will call him and he cheers up a little. I have told him not to focus on the on the future! but he keeps on falling back on the past.
Zsuzsi used to read the blogg...I don't know if she still does....she has insisted that Michael not go to Hungary...they have gone back and forth on the subject...Michael has spent all of his money and money that he has borrowed from family members to be able to go he will have nowhere to stay if he goes there.................................he is very down....Zsuzsi told him if he loves her he will let her go......she says now it's her and not I don't know what to think.
Mom and Ellen I am glad you had the rally experience. If I was able I would have been standing in the rain with you guys. I will be watching the debates tonight!
Everyone takecare....Ellen and Marianne have bronchitis...get well soon

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Notes to self:

And to you guys, too.

1. Don't run toward a secret service officer under any circumstances.
2. Don't believe snot nosed rich kid volunteers who tell you how to get in to a rally.
3. Don't lose your mom.
4. Don't drink wine and take codeine cough syrup.
5. If you violate note number 4, make sure you have a strong babysitter who will hide the phone.
6. Don't stand in the rain, under a tree during a thunderstorm in a thin white cotton blouse while wearing that oh-so-sexy see through white bra.
7. Unless - you want said secret service officer from number one to let you go on your own free will.
8. Don't bother trying to protect the disabled.
9. Ok, ignore number 8, you know you'd do the same.
10. Don't promise your mom a front row seat at an Obama/Biden rally, make her work all day, leave her precious dog, deal with a befuddled husband, and let her stand in the rain waiting for you for 4 hours.
11. Never be lulled into the thought that you will ever be "done" with being a parent or worrying.

Live and learn.