Thursday, January 22, 2009

Did everyone watch the inauguration? We were glued to the television until about 10 and then again most of yesterday. I thought Obama's speech was great. Those little girls are adorable, Michelle's outfit was stunning, and Joe Biden gets my vote as the "most happy fella". What a day! Watched C-Span a lot yesterday - it seems as tho some republicans are already trying to cause trouble - Sen. Kornyn for one. And, of course, Arlen Specter. It always seems Sen Spector throws a monkey wrench into the works at the last minute. I also heard on the late Keith Olbermann program that it is only a rumor that Caroline Kennedy has withdrawn from the senate nomination and that it has been denied. Perhaps we'll hear on that matter today.

I'm not very articulate today, it's only 3:20 AM and I haven't had coffee yet. I will try and whirl thru this dusty house today and stay away from C-Span!

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