Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I see that I haven't posted in some time - guess it's because (knock on wood) Dad is doing so good. I was led to believe by the doctors that he would never to return to where he was before the meningitis, but so far the only lapses in memory that I detect are a difficulty operating the tv remote, the inability to decipher bills (thinking the credit limit is the amount of $$'s owed, and other things like that). He knows where everything is in the kitchen, or the house for that matter, and is fixing his own breakfast, lunch, and snacks. We got both mowers back from the repair shop yesterday (mucho dinero!) so he will be happily mowing for a few days.

I am expecting new books from Barnes and Noble tomorrow - the new Pat Conroy as well as A Reliable Wife which I ordered based on good reviews. Recent reads include The Hemingses of Monticello - both my sisters found it repetitious and gave it a thumbs down, but I thought it was terrific. In fact, I spent 4 days with my nose in the book (800 pages) and neglected everything but the essentials around here. Another good read was The Help - positively devoured that one. It's the author's first effort, but I can't see how she can top this one.

Sunday we went to see Julie and Julia - a lovely, lovely film. Of course Meryl Streep was fantastic, as usual, and I particularly liked the actor who played her husband - Tucci was his real-life last name. I am now inspired to make beouf burgeone (whatever?!?). I made it once before while we were living overseas but I didn't have a recipe. A fellow American told me how to make it and I was NOT impressed with the result. I will try again following Julia Child's recipe and see what I think. Of course I'm too cheap to buy her cookbook and will search it out on the internet. Otherwise I will see what's at the public library. One problem I have with it is adding wine, as we are teatotalers here. I understand that wine loses it's potency when it is heated so I guess it will be okay.

Our congressional representative is holding meetings here tomorrow and we have an appointment with him. The purpose is primarily to discuss the proposed health care plans - I have no objections as long as Medicare is NOT touched. I do plan to ask him about broadband internet service and also show him the Letters to the Editor that so enraged me. I did some research on Google and what I found Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck and that ilk were saying about Obama and health aide upset me to the point where I thought I would have a heart attack. Such evil people. His (Tom Perriello) aide informed me that his meetings are "one-to-one" and not town hall style to eliminate disruptions.

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