Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Yesterday I was not feeling so great so I let Dad drive to town and back - I went along, of course. He did fine and it seemed to give him a burst of self confidence. When we got to Wal-Mart and marched around like he knew where everything was and just generally took charge. Later, when we got home he made himself lunch - just soup and crackers, but still, it was good to see that he knew where everything was.

Sunday afternoon we had another conversation about the "missing" dog! I was in the bedroom watching television with Sandi and Fritz when Dad came in and asked where the other dog was. I pointed out that both dogs were there with me and he still inquired about the third dog even after I assured him that we only had 2 dogs. Oh well, at least he wasn't outside calling non-existent dogs! Perhaps he's thinking of Max?! We'll see, tomorrow when Ellen gets here.

I imagine that the doctor will be starting Dad on some new medication like Aricept when we go for his appointment tomorrow. I am really concerned about these drugs especially after Excelon. Will have to consider the possible side effects very carefully.

I ordered all the paint for his model ship and he seems very interested in doing it. I have left the box of old photos on the dining room table and he frequently will pick up a few and look at them and relay little stories to me.

I think we are making good progress and I feel greatly encouraged.

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