Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Yesterday I was not feeling so great so I let Dad drive to town and back - I went along, of course. He did fine and it seemed to give him a burst of self confidence. When we got to Wal-Mart and marched around like he knew where everything was and just generally took charge. Later, when we got home he made himself lunch - just soup and crackers, but still, it was good to see that he knew where everything was.

Sunday afternoon we had another conversation about the "missing" dog! I was in the bedroom watching television with Sandi and Fritz when Dad came in and asked where the other dog was. I pointed out that both dogs were there with me and he still inquired about the third dog even after I assured him that we only had 2 dogs. Oh well, at least he wasn't outside calling non-existent dogs! Perhaps he's thinking of Max?! We'll see, tomorrow when Ellen gets here.

I imagine that the doctor will be starting Dad on some new medication like Aricept when we go for his appointment tomorrow. I am really concerned about these drugs especially after Excelon. Will have to consider the possible side effects very carefully.

I ordered all the paint for his model ship and he seems very interested in doing it. I have left the box of old photos on the dining room table and he frequently will pick up a few and look at them and relay little stories to me.

I think we are making good progress and I feel greatly encouraged.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Sooooooooo - here it is 3 A.M. and I have been awake since 2! Not so bad as I had a HUGE nap yesterday afternoon. Wednesday some of Dad's railroad buddies came to visit and Dad was very pleasant and friendly with them, although when he talked it was rambling with lots of pauses. He had a "bee in his bonnet" that day - wanted to deliver push mower to repair shop and nagged me all day about going. I mean, REALLY got on my case about it. We were expecting the Home Health person and he couldn't understand we had to wait for her. Then, after he left, it was too late to go. He was really p.o.'d. Yesterday we finally delivered mower and when he didn't want to go home right away, we went to B&N to browse. Didn't find anything for myself, but found a WW2 book for him which he seems to be engrossed in.

He had about $15 in his wallet which is gone now. Don't ask me where it went, but since he thinks someone stole it, I keep telling him he gave it to me to buy sandwiches at Guizno's. That's a fib - I don't have a clue! I gave him $15 of my own hoping that would be the end of it. So, after B&N we went to Subway and when I told him to pay up, he was very confused and I had to point out which bills to use. When we parked there I asked him not to lock his car door, so he got out and just stood there by the open door until I told him to shut it and come into the store. There was some construction going on and he wanted to stand there and watch - fine. I went into the store - big front windows from which I could see him clearly. He stood there for several minutes - perhaps 5 or 6, then proceeded across the street and joined me in the store - very good.

When I think back a couple of weeks, he seems to be a whole lot better mentally with some occasional "left field" questions or remarks. Last night at dinner he wanted to know where Ellen was! When I told him she was at her house in Fredtown, he then asked me where the other girls were! His complaints about his sore are are getting less frequent, too, but since Dr. San didn't do anything for it he thinks Dr. San is a quack.

On a different note: I am reading Tana French's latest - "Likeness" and am finding it "unputdownable." I had to plow thru the first 150 or so pages before it got good - forced myself to continue becaause all the reviews were excellent, but that's a whole lot more than I usually read before giving up. I am now at a point in the book where it's scarey - not what I want to read at 3:30 in the morning so I will go play Literati.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Something that really surprised me: In the past, when I would ask Dad to perform a household chore, I would be totally ignored. I asked him Sunday to unload the dishwasher (a chore I dislike) and he did it, much to my amazement. I then asked him to put the garbage out and he did that as well. In the past he would just ignore me, or tell me he would do it later and then forget about it. Perhaps next I can get him to vacuum and dust - lol!

Today we must go to town - never got there yesterday. We both were outside most of the day and Dad did more physical stuff than he has been doing, including some weeding for me. I haven't done any gardening in so long that today I am all stiff and sore. Late in the morning yesterday Dad disappeared inside and when I questioned him, he said he had eaten lunch - a sandwich (couldn't remember what kind but thought it was a "fruit" sandwich. I checked and saw that he had eaten a turkey sandwich and finished off the strawberries left from Sunday.

So, progress is being made, even tho it's at a snail's pace. I have started a new book - hope it's a good one. I also ordered Pat Conroy's newest - "South of Broad" due out in August. Picking books to order and then ordering them seems to be a "guilty" pleasure for me. I know I shouldn't be running up my credit card account.

Monday, July 6, 2009


This is a good place to vent, write, think, etc. I a going to write about it on my blog and I'll post the link later.
Since no one seems to be posting here any more I am going to use it to have a conversation with myself. I'm aware that I could probably find an Alzheimer chat room or support area, but I don't want to hear other people's sad stories now. As thankful as I am that Dad survived meningitis, I really miss having adult conversations with him. Not that we could have anything terribly meaningful, but at least we could comment on the news, etc. Now it's just me explaining 100 times a day why his arm hurts. Once in a while answering something from way out in left field - like: did you let all the dogs in? Me: they're both in. Him: No, where are the rest of them. Me: we have 2 dogs and they're both in. Him: well, where are the other dogs that I was playing with all afternoon? Me: You must have been dreaming. And so it goes. I was going to work in the garden all day yesterday - wear myself out physically, but it rained so I spent the day reading - "Renegade" by Richard Wolffe - about Obama's presidential campaign. Had some interesting things to say, but lots of boring stuff too. I like Richard Wolffe - see him often on MSNBC. Today the sun is shining so I will head outside - hope it's not too humid. I need to go to town to get some milk, but if i mention it to Dad he want's to go immediately - even if it's 6 in the morning. On a brighter note: he showered and shaved again today without being reminded.