Saturday, November 1, 2008

Hey gang! This is Fritz and you betcha I'm votin for Obama! That other guy's wife wanted to make a coat out of my dalmation friend, and the saracuda wanted to fly in a helicopter over Virginia and shoot Bambi. Don't trust 'em. But that Obama guy's okay. His skin even matches mine and I like that! So does my ma. That fella Joe is pretty much okay too, even if he has more hair than my pa. I think his hair is peculiar, tho. I'm goin to the polls on Tuesday with ma and pa giving out dog bones to all the democrats and lifting my leg on the snotty republicans - I call it the MARK OF FRITZ kinda like Zorro, ya know. Ma and Pa say they will vote as many times as they can and if I weren't so short I would pull some levers too.


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