Thursday, November 6, 2008

Wow - what a couple of days. I loved working the Democratic tent on election day even thru the rain. It was wonderful to see carloads of young African-Americans pulling up and spilling out of their cars. They would look at me warily and then erupt in big smiles when they saw I was handing out Democratic information. Some of them even said they were taking home all the info to keep as souveneirs. Lots of older white folks came (probably to preserve the GOP;), and they all looked grumpy (angry). Enough of them harumphed and sniffed when I proffered my Democratic information and refused to take any. When I told my co-workers (all black) that these old white folks intimidated me, they all howled with laughter.

Anyhow, what a day! We went out to dinner just to pass some time before election results came in. I refused to go to the local "victory" party - wanted my own television with no distractions. We watched all the results and when Obama gave his speech we were sitting up in bed (in the dark) with tears and clapping! What a wonderful man, and his family is darling. Those little girls are beautiful. And I love, love, love Joe Biden. I have but one complaint - would someone please take Mrs. Obama clothes shopping!!!! With her terrific figure she would look spectacular in everything but what she tends to chose.!

I just checked the Virginia Board of Elections website and it shows that Thelma Drake LOST and Virgil Goode is behind Periello. The Goode/Periello result is pretty close and no doubt ol Virgil will demand a recount. It will good riddance to Goode - what an embarassment he is.

Now to find out who Obama picks for his staff and cabinet. I have no doubt that he will surround himself with the best and brightest!

And a little thought I had - how about in 8 years Hilary Clinton vs. Sarah Palin!!!! Wouldn't you love to watch that debate?

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