Saturday, November 15, 2008

November 15th

WOW! Nobody is posting! What's with you all?

We had one heck of a thunderstorm last night - woke us all up - sounded like it was right over our house. It lasted about 2 hours and we got almost 2 inches of rain. Most of the leaves are gone from the trees now and our patio is a carpet of yellow, gold, and red - pretty. Dad and I sat in the kitchen during all this - didn't think i'd ever get back to sleep. (I can't seem to carriage return to make a new paragraph.) Dad saw doctor yesterday and he is making progress in the right direction! I just finished reading The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society having to do with the Nazi occupation of Guernsey during WWII - excellent. Just started Wally Lamb's latest - about 50 pages in and so far, so good. It has to do with the Columbine shooting and had I known that I wouldn't have bought it. Oh, well. Am signing off now - hope you all will be posting soon. Hugs and kisses all around!

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