Wednesday, July 16, 2008


As I stepped out the kitchen door this morning I did a scan of the yard - ya never know what lurks in these here parts. And I sure don't want my little Fritzy boy tangling with anything ominous. Emerging from the flower bed was a black snake - I stood still as did he. Fritz was still inside. I summoned Dad to help me shoo away this critter but he slithered off without any prompting from us. NOW comes the scarey part -- about an hour later I approached the picnic table to water my little seedlings, got within about an inch, and guess what was having a sunbath just below my hand. I am sort of proud of never, ever screaming when confronted with something scarey, even when I almost stepped on the big fat copperhead, but this time I let out one blood curdling holler! Dad came running, as did Sandi and Fritz, but by the time they got to me, little blackie had slithered off the table and disappeared in the azelias. Am pondering a decision to give up gardening (you know I won't, but won't go out again until I stop shaking). Why won't those stupid snakes go down and eat up the moles and voles!? Folklore says that black snakes will keep away poisonous snakes, but it ain't so folks!

Ellen - thanks for finding my missing post - you must tell me how you do it!

adie odie

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