Monday, July 28, 2008

it's quiet ...for a few seconds

Well Jaida was just waking up when Christain arrived this morning...jaida had fruit loops...and christain didn't want any....they played nicely for about and hour and a half....then the fighting was on...I thought I might beable to pull a few weeds while they played..WRONG...they were fighting over everything...they both went after each other...I had to break it up..Christain has a MOUTH on him...and has been a little naughty and earned 2 spankings so far today. They have both been begging me for the giant lollipops from Great Grandma...I said after lunch and after they have been good for a little while.

Mark is busy working in the yard..he decided to take down the gutters he started to put up because there are too many missing pieces and we have to pay for it first and be reimbursed ...and that won't work for us right now, but it looks a lot better with the new paint.
ok well I better say bye for now

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