Saturday, July 19, 2008

hey from bobby's house

I will be leaving today when it's time for Bobby to go to work...he has to make me some pizza before I go!
Jaida had her dentist appointment yesterday...they give her medicine to calm her down before they start it's called "versed" I am going to look it up....on the way to the car...she was like a noodle...and she vomited twice on the way home...then she slept for several hours. I have been doing Bobby's laundry...what a chore...I don't think he has done laundry since I was here the last time. The air conditioning here at the house is broken....Bobby has a window unit up stairs...gets pretty damn hot downstairs....It also fells real hot to me at the restaurant. We went to the restaurant about 4:pm yesterday (me, Jamie and Jaida) Sal made us stromboli, it was very good. Jamie pulled Jaida around in the wagon for hours and hours...I just tried to stay cool.We came home around 9pm. It's going on 9am here and everyone is still sleeping! Got only one more load to dry and the laundry will be done!
take care everyone

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