Saturday, February 9, 2008

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad -51 years ago today

If anyone wants a good movie to see - go see Untraceable. I went to see it last night and it scared the pants off of me!!! Joey and I thought it was a good movie. My thoughts afterward was - you watch this and some nut out there will try do copycat the movie in real life.

Anyway, tonight i'm taking the boys to a car event. I got discounted tix's thru Geico. And, I hope it's worth it.

And, tomorrow is the little princesses birthday-the boys and i will go to Chucky Cheese to help celebrate.

Well, that's enough here - i'm off to take a nap cause i was up to 1am last night, but of course I have to play my game........

Lastly, did or is anyone watching the new survivor series? I am....Johnny Fairplay is history already!!!!

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