Friday, February 15, 2008

Some sad news

Michael called me late last night and told me Opus passed away in Zsuzsi's arms. He had be sick, ferret flu, but they got him some special food (duk soup) and some other kind of medicine and they thought he was getting better. He did seem very very frail when I saw him.

We are on our way to Michigan now - they changed our load to Ny in Pa, then we will be going to IL.- chicago.

By the way, Marianne where is your other blogg, you told me you wrote another one.

For my Birthday- not sure I know anywhere for Kareoke--that place we went to before was good, crocadile rock I think was the name. Limo, that would be $$$$$ - don't have many $$ to spare since I am not working, but we can always get a designated Mark.

Jaida is with Bobby now, he picked her up wed. night.
Ok we are rolling down the road - so I will say bye for now.

ps: Catherine- good luck with the move to your new place- don't forget you can use the truck.


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