Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Hey - Clams and linguini - one of my favorites! Did Sal use fresh clams? Some garlic, parsley, parmesean - YUM!

It was fun to see everyone Saturday - the restaurant looks very nice. I especially enjoyed watching the little ones with Fritz. Glad Christian got over his fear of Fritz. Fritz was sure worn out - he fell sound asleep on the way home and actually growled at me when I tried to move him. Never done that before. It was a nice visit - just wish it had been under happier circumstances.

While we were gone Joey and Dad laid a new tile floor in the upstairs bathroom - big improvement! I think Joey did all the "hard" stuff with Dad giving the orders - lol.

Yesterday I was able to do some gardening - sunny and mild here - first time this year. All the gardens are a mess - I have lots of work to do out there. I am so out of shape, that I was only able to work out there half a day. Will do dome more today.

I finished reading "Beachcombing for a Shipwrecked God" - very, very good, and started "Half of a Yellow Sun" - it is set in Nigeria - I love reading about Africa, India, etc. It has won some prizes, so I hope I like it.

Ellen and Scott are coming this weekend and probably Katie. My big decision is what to cook for Saturday night supper. Any suggestions anyone? I will make quiche for Katie, me and Ellen, but that leaves Dad and Scott. Dad will eat the quiche if he has to, so that just leaves Scott.

Have fun today everyone!

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