Wednesday, February 27, 2008

not much action on the blogg

Well we were going from Alexandria VA to Agusta GA, We are in Alexandria now and have just been informed that the load was canceled, so we don't know where we are going now.

Yeah! We got approved for new house, it's in Fox Run..., (ADDRESS REMOVED BY Ellen - email for the address if you want it - don't post address on internet not a good idea as we don't know who reads this blog) it's right off of Edwin Dr. We will be back home on March 22nd to move..This will be Michael and Zsuzsi's mainly and we will be there from time to time ..saving for our house in Farmville!

Adam is sworn into the US Army and he leaves for Fort Lenard Wood MO March 19th, he will be in the transportation division which is very dangorous these days..he's getting a big enlistment bonus 40k over the next 4 years.

Hey Ellen let me know about the birthday thing, cause we have to pur in time off request, and we have to be out at least 2 weeks to get 2 days off.

Ok I will update later when we know where we are going.
jane and mark

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