Monday, June 30, 2008

glad to see people doing a little blogging

Yep, Nancy the hydranga does come back every year, 2 summers now blooming.

Mom, now I have the jap. beetles, Mark sprayed with sevin yesterday. There was one right on top of the heliopsis that just bloomed, and I guess they are eating the petunia flowers. Looks like we got a few drops of rain over night. I moved the impatients to the shade, they were out front, I planted wave petunias in their place.
I also planted the heliopsis in the big flower pots that mark painted, and I put small white wave petunia's and a small plant that has very small lavender and yellow flowers...don;t know what they are called but they will hang down the side of the planters.

I hope we get more rain today!

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