Saturday, December 1, 2007

Breakfast in bed...........

Guess what guys...Jamie mentioned something that is done in the Jewish community--giveing parents breakfast in bed in the month of Decemeber. Don't know if it's something he made up, or true. Nevertheless, Jamie made me a wonderful breakfast and made me get back in bed to eat it. I was served delious hot chocalate w/a splash of orange-yes he got that at starbucks. Then, while i was enjoying the hot chocolate and watching the news, he made me scrambled eggs..perfect too. However he used 4 eggs - so Bruti got a feast of leftover eggs and do did the cook. And, lastly he made me an english muffin- perfectly too. Then, he said i could snooze in bed a little while longer. It was wonderful. Now the little cook is outside playing and i'm left w/a dirty kitchen. I'll have to tell the cook i will expect this next mother's day too.

We bought our first artifical tree and will put it up on top of the tv cabinet. I'm afraid to get a real tree as i know you know who will have a feast with playing with it. Jamie has already put it up--but the middle has a gap in it, so i have to take it down and reassemble it. And, of course Joey managed to get up-warm something for his gut and is now back in bed.

I finished playing my second game of good ole literati--won em both!! about time.
And, i suppose i should now get up a do a few things, but will go read my book..actually mom's book...about Scott and Laci Peterson-he's a kniving sneak!!

toodles to you all and may you readers blog.......Ellen, i think we should have a poll created --who votes to have the animals have mini stockings made by mom!!! After all, it's a family tradition.

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