Saturday, December 1, 2007

Wow Nancy - what a sweet kid Jamie is! Glad you had such a nice breakfast.

Was out raking leaves all morning and then when dad tried to start mulcher we found that gasoline had leaked out all over the motor. Evidently when it was repaired ($200 smackeroos!) they neglected to put back all the nuts and screws. They are coming to pick it up on Tuesday. Pisses me off BIG TIME - I have 4 HUGE piles of leaves ready to be mulched!

And if that weren't enough - Fritz got into something (smells like......from Sandi probably) all over his cute little back and now he needs a bath. Talk about mission impossible! Will fill kitchen sink and try to dunk him in and hope that he'll hold still long enough to get clean. Hate to do it - he will avoid me for a few hours afterwards - not trust me again for a while.

I am losing all my literati games. When I am ahead, I get booted. Otherwise I just plain lose. Oh well, it's just a game!

Enjoy your Saturday everyone!


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