Thursday, August 28, 2008

good morning

Well, despite my plans to go to bed early last night, we stayed up late and watched Joe Biden. He was great - and his son's intro was very good.

We ordered pizza, and when the delivery guy left- I couldn't help myself and yelled out: "I hope you're registered to vote and will support Obama!" The guy turned around and in a heavy accent said that yes, and that he was a new citizen and made sure he got his citizenship and registered to vote so he could support Obama. "No more Bush, no more war," he said.

Scott and I both had tears in our eyes then, and later again when Joe Biden's mother was shown. And, in case mom didn't stay up to see the surprise after Biden's speech, I won't spoil it.

Ignore the negative ads and the editorial junk - read the platform and whenever possible, spread the word - the deadline to registration to vote is Oct. 6th - remind people and if each of us votes (for Obama) and get 5 more each to do the same.....we'll win. Don't listen to the media - they need it to seem like a tight race so that it will get viewers.

Oh, and here is yet another reason to vote Obama - in his own words: "I will close Guantanamo. I will restore habeas corpus. And we will end torture and rendition because you will have elected a president who has taught the Constitution and believes in the Constitution and will obey the Constitution of the United States of America."

Have a good day.


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