Thursday, August 21, 2008

I"m back..........


I bought a cheapeee emachine hard drive, tower, box -what ever it's called. Only bought it b/c i'm desperate to be online again (was up till midnight last night getting it installed) and Jane said Marrianne has this brand and hasn't had any problems. So, Here i am.

Neither kid knows it yet - but i've taken a surprise day off tomorrow --i'm cracking the whip. NO one get's to sleep in. Both boys will be rolling around listening to this chief and her orders...
Got a few things to do too.. but no work. YEA!!!!

Mom, i love mcsame's name --think it's great. You should write and let him know he's been renamed mcsame--and he will probably be just as bad, if not worse, then the beany bushy man.

Not sure why Ellen doesn't post, on that same note, why doesn't Marrianne and Katie post??? Helloolloo girls--POST!!

Catherine - you have your hands full with school. Sounds like Eric won't see much of you for a while. I hope he can manage on his own.

ok, i'm off to play a game --yes!! haven't been able to play a game for quite a while on my puter.

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