Sunday, August 24, 2008

Nancy - I can't claim McSame is original to me. I would really like to call him McPain, but as the name of Paine is dear to my heart I won't use it on that reptile - lol - in one of his ads he shows his profile and it looks reptilian to me! Hope he picks McNitt for VP - between the 2 of them they probably have 15 or 16 houses. And talk about your flip floppers - !!

Watched the Obama/Biden rally yesterday afternoon - God! I LOVE Joe Biden, and actully had a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes when I watched him bound across the stage. Listened to the Sunday morning pundits today and they make it sound like it will be a very close election and that Obama will have a really tough time getting elected. Wish I could vote more than once. Wish Mrs. Biden would get a haircut and thought Mrs. Obama's dress was ugly! I am being petty.

I have polished off all the Kit-Kats and an now off to work on the Snickers!

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