Saturday, August 16, 2008

Hi everyone!

Mark and I will be leaving for Alden's pond as soon as Mark gets home from work, so I figure we will get there around 7 or 8 pm.
Adam left for fort drum...he thought he would be deployed as soon as he got there, but found out he has training in Oct. ....thats good cause he needs it. I don't think Jackie will send thankyou cards...cause she has not asked me for anyones address yet. Adam is turning 21 next month...he and quite a bit of drinking.

I didn't get the job at a letter.....due to overwelming response to their add....there were alot of people....and I had a feeling when I left..oh well ...on with the job search.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone this weekend...I didn't know it was Scotts birthday!
I am bringing the pork shoulder!

Mark hurt his wrist at work...he fell ...also skinned his elbow, his wrist is swollen(and his hand)
he says he just sprained it, he has been wearing my wrist splint.

Nancy wants me to take a walk on the beach this I will be giving her a call when I am done blogging and see what time she wants to go...then I will pack...have beans and coffee and kitkats and twizzlers and snickers and skittles too.
luv ya

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