Friday, August 15, 2008

Well, here it is Friday already - time flies when you're having fun! Ellen and Jamie are here, arriving yesterday afternoon. Right now both are sound asleep - Ellen in the guest bedroom and Jamie on the den sofa. Jamie hadn't seen the upstairs bedroom since we painted it and thought it looked pretty nice. Said he would be sleeping up there, but fell asleep in front of tv - I knew he would. Max is in bedroom with Ellen, and Fritzy is now curled up with Jamie!

Looking forward to seeing Catherine and Eric tonite - Bowzer, too. It will be pretty lively around here with 4 dogs! Fritz will do his best to rule the roost I'm sure, but his growl and bark are all there is to him.

Jane and Mark arrive tomorrow afternoon - Scott, too. We'll have a birthday party for Scott on Sunday - don't tell him.

The biggest news in town is the opening of the local Obama campaign headquarters! You can be sure I'll (we) will be attending.

Went to the dermatologist yesterday and he removed 2 things (?) from my face - nose and upper lip, so I look a mess. They're supposed to take 2 weeks to heal, was hoping it would be faster. Word to the wise - STAY OUT OF THE SUN!!

Looking forward to seeing you Catherine and Eric. drive carefully!


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