Sunday, April 13, 2008

Well, yesterday must have been my lucky day. First thing I stepped in dogdoo - it wasn't Fritz's, but Sandi's and you all know how big that can be! Did you know that stepping in dogdoo brings good luck! Yes indeedy. Not realizing that I had stepped in this mess, but thinking the aroma was quite a bit stronger today, I proceeded to Wal-Mart. As usual, I entered the garden center area first while sending your father into the bowels of the store with the shopping list. I spotted a lot of hostas (one of my favorites and of which I probably have 50 or 75) but the sign in front of them said "annuals - $2 each), but not one of these plants had a price tag on itand knowing that hostas are perennials I assumed the sign was in error. A salesperson was milling around so I asked her the price and was told "$2." Since my experience with Wal-Mart salespeople has very seldom been favorable I chose not to believe her, but loaded up anyway (6 very nice Elegans hostas) prepared to give checkout person an argument. Lo and behold - scanner showed price to be $2!!! Should I have gotten more? Well, if they're still there next time, I will, although I have just about run out of spots to plant them. In the meantime, as I am still pursued by this putrid dog odor, it is beginning to dawn on me that it is ME! The boots I was wearing having soles that look like rubber tires - ample protection from copperheads but lots of little/big grooves for nasty stuff to hide in. Now, do you think I should clean out these grooves or wear them as is today and hope for another day of good luck? Naw, I will save them as is for my next trip to Wal-Mart.

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