Monday, May 26, 2008

Hello from VB

Well, i guess i'll be good and blog- i hate to blog, but love to read the blogs..Ellen's included.

The boys are at the pool. This is the first year both boys can go w/out me there. And, yes MOM there is a certified lifeguard on duty-who is mean --Jamie told me this. And, the pool's deepest end is 6ft. I haven't been able to find my best looking swimsuit since last summer. I've got a clue where it might be -so i guess a trip to the store is in order. I'm going to find the same suit if it kills me.

I was going to go into to work today--but for the umpteenth time i've changed my mind at the last minute...i just can't make myself do it. Then tomorrow i'll feel guilty for not going in because i have so much crap to do. Why do people wreck? And, why do they feel like they hit the LOTTO? Probably about 25% are legit clms -- and i feel bad for them b/c my policyholder wasn't paying attention. The rest-- well there's a accident, but they probably aren't hurting as bad as they claim!! So, i'll be up at the crack of dawn and off to work. This has been good for Jamie because it's testing him for next year when he has to rough it in the am w/out me or Joey to move him a long. I make sure he get's he stuff ready the night before. And, that he has a cellphone and he's up in the am before i leave, or Joey leaves. Then he has ample time to get dress, take care of the dog and have a good breakfast.

The weather has been wonderful the last few days- summer would be heaven if it was like this all the time. Not to hot, not to cold. Soon it will be hell on this part of the earth.

We went to see the new INDY movie. Somehow Harrison Ford looks younger than he really his. I guess this is going to be his last movie...i'll miss him and his lopsided grin - it turns me on!!

Mom--fyi -i've been watching my blood sugar. I've noticed one thing that does seem to affect me worse then others and that is my favorite -- a baked potato. The only think i put on it is butter. And i notice if it eat one ( a small one at that) it's higher into the next day. Last night no potato...hamburgers (no vegie) and a very small helping of mac/ bs was very good when i got up. So, tonight i am going to see if it hold true again tonight w/a small pork roast, rice w/veggies...

Ok, i'm off - going to take my fearless dog for a walk to the pool.

Since today is memorial day -- i will take time out to say a prayer for all those who are serving and protecting us -along w/all the fallen heroes. May God rest their souls and protect those who are willing to serves us. And, a special prayer for Adam --if he goes to Iraq that God really pays attention to him and keeps him safe.

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