Sunday, May 25, 2008

hey looks like i'm not the only one not blogging much

Hey mom I have lots of room still, sun, shade, and part sun! So save what you can.
The bug Jamie and Joey had seemed to only last 24 hrs and Nancy and I didn't get it! Nancy and I started working on cleaning out her closet, I think 80% is good will or trash. She will have a lot more room when we are done. Hey Nancy the SHAMPOOER CAME IT! So that will be next.
And Mom my hyacinth bean...something is eating the leaves was looking really good until yesterday, I don't know if it will survive, can I put bug killer on it?

Ellen I want to bring the wicker furniture up, maybe after Adams graduation...the diesel will be over $5 a gallon, it's almost there now. I think I can get up and back on one tank.

Eric and Catherine came over last night we had a nice visit....they are getting a chocolate lab today and are very excited about getting the puppy,Eric wants to get a male and does not want to get him neutered....I would get a female and get her spaded......

Jackie doesn't have the blogg info yet...and she will not be driving.....just me and Mark, Jackies birthday is June 9th and she will be turning 18, so she has been driving less than 2 yrs. Nancy has generously agreed to let us use her sports trak for the trip, the price of gas is already 37 cents higher then when I calculated how much it would cost a few weeks ago....when will it stop! I only go to the dump and walmart and Nancy's.
today Nancy is treating us to the new Indiana Jones movie! We are going to the 2:30 pm show.

Mom I think Jaida and Christian will love digging in the dirt, we will hose them off when they are finished, Christian also likes looking at bugs! I would like him to see the Giant Millipede we saw the last time when we went for a hike with dad....not me.
Ok well Mark is up now...I will say good bye for now everyone have a great 3 day weekend!

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