Thursday, November 22, 2007


I like cute. We were right in the bad section of South Kerney-Mark said the man there - who was the on in charge of getting unloaded was extremly rude..we were delayed somewhat.
We are here in Providence RI- at the Journal and Bulletin, we got here last night around 7pm, they would not unload the truck, said it would be this morning,or maybe even tomorrow. It's now 2:25 pm,-no word from anyone here-they gave Mark a US express says it's a "hot load" and we can't leave trailer here and bobtail to a truck stop---real shit...I don't think we will be unloaded untill tomorrow morning. Mark and I had a delicous breakfast(Mark cooked) bacon and eggs and juice. Even though we can't take the truck out of here-we are in down town Providence- we went for a walk- found a huge mall area where the is a restautrant-Napa Valley grille- they have a special thanksgiving dinner and they will be serving untill 7 pm -some weird stuff is on it ..I will have to write in down when we go back..sweet potatoes with carmel glaze - snow peas with someother stuff...and also weird stuffing..but we are going to give it a shot. We are in the back of the area an over pass...deserted here ..its a beautiful day here, I shampooed Marks hair outside, he also shaved. The restaurant is a little pricey..$23.95 for the thanksgiving dinner, and I didn't see any pie or anything listed for dessert ....If Bobby is still there ..Tell him I am not upset anymore..I was just having a down spell....feeling sorry myself,stuck away from everyone on Thanksgiving. I am better

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