Friday, November 9, 2007

Okay, here it is 3?30 Friday afternoon and I have accomplished nothing today - zero, zip, zilch. Well, I DID brush my teeth, make my bed, take a shower. Dinner is simmering in the crockpot (another meal your father will disdain, I'm sure) and I am sitting happily at the computer playing literati by the hour. I kept getting bumped and my score was down below 1800 so now I am trying to bring it back up.

Don't know what the weather forecast is - chance of showers I think. Sky is getting darker and darker so we might get a little moisture.

AOL took a poll and 73% think Bush is the worst president in our nation's history! Come on, terminal boils! (That's an inside joke - hah!)

I am writing this because I feel guilty for not posting anything for a while. I am reading "Beautiful Lies" - it's sort of okay - will be happy when I'm done with it and can go on to something better.

Yesterday was Fritzie boys 1st birthday. I sang happy birthday to him and he just ignored me. Oh well, such is (my) life!

I was so cold this morning I put on a heavy shetland sweater and now I am sweating! Hate that.

Be good everyone - love to all

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