Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Well,here it is 3 o'clock in the morning - I KNEW if I fell asleep in the afternoon it would louse up my overnight sleep - oh well, get to read lots, go on internet lots, drink and smoke lots - while I wait for daylight. Our mulcher is all repaired and Dad and I did leaves for a while yesterday afternoon - lots of breeze and fresh air - guess that's what made me so sleepy in the afternoon. Now will have to try very hard to stay awake until bedtime tonite. (ISn't this a thrilling narative?).

I talked to Jane last night - she and Mark were headed home to Virginia Beach for 24 hours.

Sandi and Fritz are slowly recovering from the Thanksgiving festivities. Fritz was actully a little playful yesterday evening. On Sunday afternoon Katie helped me cut out some furballs from his ear - singular - but he objected so strenuously we were only able to do one ear - he was actually howling. I know it didn't hurt him - he just HATES being held captive. Next time we have company will try to do other ear. He won't even let me brush the long hair on his ears - recognizes scissors and brush and runs and hides when he sees them. Sandi will at least tolerate me brushing and grooming for a few minutes before she plays hard to get.

My life is so quiet it's hard to find interesting things to write about! Dad and I are going to a book signing at Barnes and Noble tomorrow night. I already have the book - ONE FELL SWOOP - by the daughter of a local resident. I read the reviews - excellent - so ordered the book on the internet. It came yesterday and I'm looking forward to reading it. I am now halfway thru Olivia Goldsmith's "Flavor of the Month" - kind of a trash read but that's what I'm in the mood for.


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