Monday, March 10, 2008

Brrrrr, when is spring going to spring up??

Hi guys,

Mom---i don't blog b/c i read everyone else's blogs. I guess i feel that my life stories aren't as exciting as everyone else's...

I took the boys to the "arena races" Saturday nite. It's little stock cars and top speeds are about 50mph. The drivers do 50 laps, and then lead car wins. The boys love it, although Joey said it wasn't as exciting this time as the last time - more wrecks last time. There are a lot of children who go to this event. The good thing - it's cheaper than a movie -$5bucks for kids.

Then yesterday, Jamie and i went to Mt. Trashmore. We took Bruti with us. I did a "brisk" walk mom. We walked for over a mile. I learned a interesting thing about Bruti--he doesn't care if he walks thru puddles, or drinks the standing water. The park had lots of puddles, and standing water. I watched him charge right thru the water as though there was no water. And, if he had a chance to stop and suck it up he did...also he's a friady cat...if others try to pet way..he runs. Except for a young teen ager that was very mentally challenged---Bruti must have sense it because he went right up to her.

ok, it's monday,.........ughhhhhhhhhhh work

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