Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Here is my list of Hope:

I hope Catherine's dad gets well and enjoys life again very soon.

I hope Obama wins tonight and that he wins in November.

I hope the rain doesn't flood the basement. Again.

I hope I get my period soon, because I ain't going to quit my wine.

I hope Kaiti will get nice and independent. SOON.

I hope we have a good time Karaoke and Dancing on April 12.

I hope Zsuzsi and Michael have a baby sometime - it will be sooooo cute.

I hope Christian gets a little sister sometime (not too soon, Marianne, when YOU want...no pressure)

I hope Bobby and Jaida and Shannon work things out in the best possible way.

I hope I can get rid of my cold soon.

I hope I get to travel the world like I always dreamed.

I hope my mom and dad live until over 100 each, with good health.

I hope Fritz gets a Mrs. (so we can have a wiener wedding!)

I hope Jane and Mark get off the road and get back to hosting Alden/Bailey Central Party house.

I hope I get to plan a wedding and coordinate it, cause I am good at that, and I know a great photographer. (hint C and E)

and, I hope Adam wears his flak jacket and comes home like Prince Harry - quickly and unscathed. But I do also wish I could watch just one day of boot camp and video it.

UHHH...and I hope my dog doesn't shit on the floor tonight. Again.

What are your hopes?????
p.s. I am on a sick day tomorrow trying to recover.

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