Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hi Catherine - GOOD news about your dad! Hope he never has to go through this again.

Since Ellen posted her list of wishes I suppose as the oldest person here I can post a list of regrets - maybe some of the young posters will benefit:

I regret never completing college (suppose I could do it now, but I don't want to work that hard).

I regret not having 1 or 2 more kids.

I regret being so "tough" on my daughters when they were little.

I regret being so fat (but ain't gonna give up what I like to eat).

I regret becoming addicted to cigaretts.

I regret that I never had a dog earlier in life.

I regret that I never had a very close relationship with my mother (I still believe it was her fault!).

Lastly, and this is rather frivolous, I regret that I (we) never flew home from Europe on the Concorde!

Off to the garden now,

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