Saturday, January 26, 2008

Am happy to report that our new dishwasher is finally installed and running properly - (knock on wood!). It was a 2 day battle involving lots of water and had me on the brink of tears several times.
Zsuzsi, Michael, Catherine, and Eric arrived last night at about 11 and we toddled off the bed around midnight. It was a long day for everyone. Eric brought his beautiful big Apple "whatever" to play his game but it's not compatible with our equipment.

Fritz was his usual yappy self when everyone arrived and even "nipped" at Michael! He settled down after a bit, and Michael layed on the floor and made friends with him.

You all will understand that I am very reluctant to mention a certain subject here but when I talked with Bobby last night he sounded much, much better. I am thankful for Marianne's level head and common sense - it made a huge difference to Bobby.

Love to all

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