Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I only made it through half the debate, but have it TIVOed to watch again. I was pretty drowsy for the part I did watch, but thought Hillary really did stand out, although the unofficial poll at Daily Kos has Obama winning the debate. I have been reading Media Matters over the past few days about Hardball and Chris Mathews and his hatred of Hillary. Now that site has pointed out some unfairness on the part of Tim Russert toward Hillary on Meet the Press this past Sunday. I have always "sort of like/disliked Russert - he looks like the devil - just needs some horns. Wouldn't a ticket with Hillary as pres. and Obama as vice pres. be a sure winner?!! And a cabinet post for John Edwards.

I am trying to do some "spring" cleaning and have the den all torn apart. What used to take me a day is now taking 4 days. I suppose if I didn't spend so much time on the computer I would accomplish a lot more. Today I have to more the big cabinet with the t.v. in it - totally filthy. Fritz gets really scared when I start shoving around furniture.

Say, Nancy - did you get to the car show this past weekend? Where was it and what kind of cars were exhibited? I'll bet Jamie loved it. And are you coming up here this weekend? There is snow in our forecast - we'll see if it materializes.

Talked to Jane on Monday and they were headed for Indiana! Haven't heard anything since.

Have a great day everyone.

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